The calendar system offers a daily look at scheduling. You are able to add different sections for each doctor or technician. Once an appointment is added to the schedule, you can easily get to the patient or client's record from there. You can also change appointment status once checked in or checked out.
Each patient has their own file to keep track of records. Notes for doctor's exam and surgery notes can be added in, as well as communications notes. The medical record also keeps track of due dates for vaccinations and procedures for reminders. Labwork and previous medical history can also be attached to the record for easy viewing later.
With the invoicing system you can easily search and choose from products and services to add the invoice. It also allows for bundles to be added for quicker invoicing. You can add various payment methods and it even shows if there is a credit or existing balance on the client's account.
The boarding module allows staff to check availability for boarding for each day, and also make reservations. The monthly calendar in the boarding module lists how many pets are scheduled for boarding each day. You can click on an certain day to see the pets that are scheduled to be in boarding that day, as well as the drop off and pick up dates for each pet.
Certificates can be added into the system and edited to fit the needs of your clinic.
The patient record can automatically keep track of due dates for certain services that are invoiced for the patient. Due dates can also be manually added in if needed. These reminders can then be pulled up for any dates to check which patients have reminders for that certain time period. You can even print reminder postcards or send reminders by email to the clients letting them know what their pets are due for.
Estimates can be prepared listing the cost of services and products for your client's approval. Minimum and maximum budget ranges, and line item cost versus overall cost cstimates available.
A large and growing list of reports are available and include reports for revenues, invoices, products or services sold, and end of day numbers to name a few.
Using MailChimp's Mandrillapp email system, we will automatically email your pet reminder's out to your clients three times each on specific dates ahead and/or past the reminder due date. You pick the relative dates for when your reminders will be sent out. For example, you may want your reminders to be sent out 2 weeks before being due, 1 week before being due and 1 week past being due.
You can offer your clients a rewards program. You decide how much the reward should be in dollars for everytime they reach a certain dollar amount (again specified by you) in sales. The next time a client asks you whether you have a multi-pet discount, military discount or senior discount, you can offer them your new rewards program. The only requirements the program has is that the client must provide you with a valid email address and that the rewards will expire if the client does not come in after a specified time interval.
Keeping track of your team's hours can be very difficult and to say the least, time consuming! Each team member is given a numeric time code. They can then clock in and out with this time code. You can then generate time reports for any date range you specify. You can even then create a pdf summary of hours to send to your payroll adinistrator. More info.
We are really excited about our Pet Records Portal! Clients are able to login to the website and view their pet's information, reminders and even take home instructions. You can put a customized announcement on the portal as well. Clients can add pet's ahead of the visit when they get a new one. And finally, with the Pet Records Portal capability, you can provide a link on your website for new clients to register their information in your system before arriving for their first visit. This saves you time.
For multiple location practices, this feature allows a practice to share clients among multiple locations. Financial reports can still be generated for each location individually and you can share service and product pricing for some items, and have separate pricing on others.
Receive inventory, transfer out to hospital use, adjust for shrinkage, and automatic tracking for sales. Every product tracked has an individual log as well as re-order point notification. More info.